Friday, January 06, 2023

#Dungeon23 - Catching up (older rooms I didn't post)

When I first started this I wasn't sure if I wanted to share every room I made. I don't know why; probably some kind of bullshit paranoia about people stealing my stuff, using it, and then making money with it (funny how insecurity and ego go together, isn't it?). Then I realized that this was the opposite approach to get what I really want: meeting and getting to know other people who like the stuff I like. Also, why make a blog if you don't want to share your thoughts? Lunacy.

Anyway, let that be a life lesson to you about how fear and self-centeredness will destroy you and open-heartedness and goodwill will save your soul. Or something. 

Here's some of the rooms I came up with so far but didn't get around to posting:

Day 1 - Secret Underwater Entrance 
This is from the first day, and I was working off of a procedure that I had created to make things less overwhelming. It was based off doing different rolls that would tell me what to put in the room, to spark my imagination and randomize the whole process. It had stuff like "Roll 1d4 for: Trap, Monster, Puzzle, Roll2." It was a fun idea, but it got too fiddly and actually wound up making things less fun. If I followed all the rolls I came up with, I'd wind up with a completely nonsensical random assortment of rooms and it wouldn't even be that fun to make.

It turned out that it was way more fun for me to sit down fresh every time, and pretend I was actually going to this dungeon in real life, and imagine what I could find there. Letting my mind do that also wound up giving me lots of visual information that my brain would then fill in with other details and little flashes of what the overall "vibe" of a room would be. I felt this procedure in my guts, whereas I felt the previous procedure in my head. Guts wins.

Monster: 4 suckered tentacles; aquatic.
Treasure: as a drowned adventurer in its lair.
Pond has underwater caves leading to another entrance (next to a rocky outcropping). Left cave leads to 1st level [of the dungeon], right cave leads to lair (flooded laboratory). Only hunts at night. Light hurts it. Is the head of the dead adventurer? Has helmet? Pack w/useful items. 

Day 4 - Sewers
For this room I'm imagining a sewer where all of the refuse of the castle eventually finds its way, and then congeals. It's fed by a natural spring that flows down out of the mountain and the washes the detritus and waste out to sea. Not out the same area as where the octopus lives. That wouldn't really make much sense.

So I'm imagining these openings high up on the wall and maybe in the ceiling where gross stuff drops down and into this water, and there are metal grates that cross over where the water flows. So the PCs would have to cross these metal grates to get through the room, but the room is slippery and there are things in the water. At first the PCs just see shapes in the water, but if they look closer it looks like body parts combined with waste and junk. So they really need to not slip into the water. There's diseases in there for sure.

The room itself is all flagstones and bricks, with the channels in the floor being of natural stone. There's a tunnel somewhere that the natural spring is rushing in from. Maybe further up into the mountain there's a cave with a pool that this empties from. I think the rainwater also swells this place when it rains, the castle being designed to collect it and channel it here to flush it all away.

What are some ideas for other rooms? (Note to self: Don't have to use them, just having fun with this.)
  • An actual dungeon (for prisoners, and torture).
    • Factions: prisoners, and guards (golems).
  • A secret laboratory for a mad sage/wizard.
    • Factions: maybe the lich and his experiments (some townsfolk, some prisoners, people who pissed off the lich). Basically beastmen, and goblin hybrids that hate him.
  • Catacombs
    • Factions: undead high-born ghosts, protected by undead zombie servants, deep gnomes trying to get their jewels.
  • Some kind of even older place, built by someone else, accidentally discovered, possibly unleashing the dark powers that now rule this entire place.
    • Demons, undead of a forgotten time, a good holy man in some kind of stasis who is guarded by some angels.
  • A pantry / root cellar / kitchen filled with goblin slaves.
    • Factions: goblin slaves, hobgoblin guards and overseers
  • A garden
    • Factions: animated gardening implements at war with faeries?
  • A library
    • A demon librarian (gateway to the stygian library), and a group of adventurers from another plane who are hiding out from it. Travel through the library somehow. portals in books? pocket dimensions? Tunnels through stacks of books?
  • An aviary
    • An enslaved Dragon, and its captors.
  • An art gallery with macabre art and collections
    • a group of vampires constantly critiquing art and drinking blood and having bloody orgies.
  • Servant's quarters

  • Guard barracks

  • Stables
  • Courtyard
  • A great hall
  • A tower with some special prisoners perhaps

  • A tower with some magical research stuff, maybe astronomical in nature
  • A martial training area with cool rare weapons and armor
  • Some kind of temple, or priory, or chapel of some kind

I'm starting to imagine a vampire king, and his lich vizier. I know that this entire thing is filled to the brim with cliches but I refuse to allow myself to care about that this early on. I think that cliches are broad stokes, and broad stroke are where you're supposed to start. I hate it when people are just trying to be original for the sake of being original. Coming up with something someone never came up with before doesn't make something good.

If the castle is full of cool fun stuff and scary monsters, and the whole thing has a really solid mood and makes sense, then it's good. I think it's more about giving the players something to sink their teeth into than it is about "It's got a vampire, but instead of being bad he's good!" I mean putting twists on things is always a good way to get people's attention, but it's not everything.

Day 5 - Literal, Actual Dungeon
On this day, I was starting to find the groove of just letting stuff flow and seeing where it took me. I started to feel like I was discovering the dungeon as well, rather than creating it. That felt really nice. I'm not going to clean up the notes and make them make sense, but rather put them in exactly as I wrote them.

- stone blocks, armored skeleton guards, torturer is a ghost? Wight? Demon? Prisoners kept in cells? Barrels? Sarcophagi? Bottles? Shelves?
- Special secret room for the most hated prisoners.
- key ring for cells*. Cells mostly empty but some ghosts that forgot they're dead. Sleeping minotaur.
- secret room to dwarven realm.
- *one extra key for tower.

Day 6 - Catacombs
- Vast, cavernous cemetery with glowing fungus that eats corpses.
- Fungus people (neutral, but scary looking).
- Takes over dead people's bodies. Retain some memories. Showing them objects or asking them questions brings memories back.
- Catch is: they want to infect people. Charm spores.
- Lots of mausoleums and graves and statues.
- Some tomb-golems.

Day 7 - The Librarium
- Books are all traps. Can only be escaped by telling a story (i.e. telling the story of the PC trapped in that particular book's pocket-dimension).
- Lots of spellbooks to learn from
- Librarians are: angel and demon? Sphinx!
- Top tier is a hidden room, guarded by the Sphinx.


Day 8 - My "3 Orcs, 25gp" day
Remember when Sean McCoy said not every room has to be a big deal? I took that to heart, and when I really wasn't feeling very creative I just looked at the list of possible rooms I came up with a week ago and just picked a couple to think about. It was still pretty fun, even though I'm pretty "meh" about both of these ideas.

Art Gallery
- Contains "The Maze of the Blue Medusa" (another megadungeon, beautifully written by Zak S and Patrick Stuart, I believe. DUNG-CEPTION!)
- Vampires discussing art. Won't eat anyone they find interesting (a reference to the cannibals in Maze of the Blue Medusa).
- priceless art abounds

Goblin Kitchen
- Goblin chef with human apprentice
- Rat's nest of food and junk
- Lots of supplies.
- Lots of goblins.

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#Dungeon 23, Days 9/10/11/12

Day 9 - Revisiting Goblin Kitchen pantry: goblin waiting in there for other goblins for a card game root celler, goblin "sommellier...